Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cambridge Ceremony


THE WYVERNS (aka The Gentleman Wyverns of Magdalene College)

WHO? Cambridge’s most notorious drinking society. Open only to members of Magdalene who have played in at least two college sports teams.

Their dark blue tie with a gold wyvern (a legendary winged creature) emblem is believed by members to exert magical powers over members of the opposite sex. (It doesn’t.)



Initiation: Students participate in an initiation ceremony during 'Suicide Sunday' organised by the Wyverns drinking society during the University of Cambridge May Week

INITIATION CEREMONY: In a small room lined with plastic sheeting and wheelie bins, initiates must spend an afternoon and evening consuming a 24-course meal of ostentatiously disgusting delicacies. 
These can include raw leeks, sheeps’ eyeballs, pigs snouts in wasabi sauce, raw squid and live goldfish that should — ideally — be regurgitated alive.

OTHER TRADITIONS: Banned from the city centre, their infamous garden party on so-called ‘Suicide Sunday’ — the last day before exam results are published — has to be held out of town, where attractions include semi-naked female ‘jelly-wrestling’ in a paddling pool full of, er, jelly.
If members are in the college bar when the Seventies song Tiger Feet by Mud is played, tradition stipulates that by the end of the song they must have downed their drink and removed all their clothing.

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